It was so HOT last night. Maecee Bug had a softball game last night at 8pm and it felt like it was 12noon. Cindy called and sent out a text inviting all of us to come watch her play ball. Bug was so shocked to see all of us come watch her. She said "No pressure MeMee". We said just do your best and she did. She got up to bat and made a double. She is the pictcher and done a great job! We are so proud of her. After the game she came to each one of us and thanked us for coming. I love seeing my nieces and nephews together. Slick and I , Graham & Rivers with our new great neice puppy, Karianna was there with Cullen. She said Cullen is a night person because everytime she lays down to go to sleep Cullen wakes up and jumps in her belly all night. We said it is just begining.LOL Family is so important. We might not always get alone but we are FAMILY! Life is to short so be sure to put God first, Family next than everythingelse will fall into place.

Beautiful post!! Congratulations, Cindy. See you all soon.