Thursday, March 26, 2009

God is in Controll

In the past month we have seen life long friends on a regular basis at the furnral homes. When I say life long friends, it is friends we do not see on a weekly or monthly basis. God knows what He is doing. Just last week I had to call momma and tell her my cuzin had taken a turn for the worst. His blood pressure was 55/28. Momma said God can interveen. I agreed but I had to be blunt with her and explain he was dieing. Mike was 41yrs old and has been fighting cancer for 3yrs. God was in controll and gave the family time to say goodby.

Mike is no longer hurting! Thank you God. God will be with the family and as long as they turn to God. It is All about FAITH!

We got good news about my dad Tue. The doctors are saying he might get to go home from the nursing home next month. Momma is so happy to think pawpaw will be home with her on a daily basis.

God has truely blessed Scrap~N~on the River by Lisa Bearnson attending the convention this year. The people signing up is just overwhelming. Maecee and I was on KNOE TV in Monroe LA. Tue. morning. You can see the segment at We have so many new people signing up. I am hoping everyone decorates their tables so we can show Lisa Scrap~N~on the River Girls just Wanta have FUN!


  1. Sad news and glad news...what a combination. I am so sorry about your cousin, but am excited for James and Sue. I know this will be a happy occasion for the whole family. I am SO excited about Scrapn, as I always am.

  2. Pam you are so right God knows what he is doing.Thank God your cousin is no longer in pain. I know that you and Momma Sue are all excited to be getting your dad home.I saw you and Maecee on TV and recorded it on the DVR. Looks like the Country Croppin Chicks have twelve enrolled for the convention. As soon as I get all the information I well mail to you so we can reserve a BIG BIG table. Oh and we will decorate our table you know that. LOL We are so excited...can't wait.
