Monday, February 9, 2009

Update on the Jerry Roberts Scholarship

Doug Logan was the first person to receive the Jerry Roberts Scholarship. We as a family are so proud of Doug. We have just found out that Doug made the football team at Southern University. I know Jerry is dancing and singing as he would when he would get excited. When we found out that Doug had made the team we all teared up and laughed at the same time. We look forward to awarding this years scholarship. The next couple of months we will be preparing for Scrap~N~on the River. This year in order to raise money for the scholarship we are going to have steak dinners on July 25, 2009. The dinners will be $20.00 each. The dinner will consist of a ribeye with bake potato and salad. We will also be celebrating 5years of Scrap~N~on the River. We will have a birthday/pajama part with cake, punch and ice cream. The cake will look like a scrapbook.

Pictured is Slick Frank, Graham Roberts, Momma Sue, Doug Logan, Ms. Logan/Doug's mother, Deanie Roberts, Maecee Thornton, Pam Frank


  1. YEAH, Pam...good job. I just found your blog and am excited to be able to keep up with you.

  2. Pam I know that you are proud.Jerry Roberts Scholarship is truley a wonderful gift.I'm sure that Doug and His mother agree to that.Thanks on the up date on Mr. Doug Logan
