The count down to Scrap~N~on the River and we are trying to figure out the last little details. Moma has her hands full taken care of our dad. I am working at the Red Cross as the Excutive Director planning for hurricane season. I now God is going to guide me. If I would just STOP trying to help Him. God needs no help!
I can't wait to meet Lisa Bearnson in person. On the phone she seems to be the sweetist down to earth person. When she gets to Natchez, my plan is to show her TRUE SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY! Maybe she will want to come back yearly?

I am praying that I will be able to go to CHA in Orlando FL. This is the largest craft and hobby show in America. My plan is to go and see what the latest and greatest, because everything goes in cycles. Crafts are no different. Scrap~N~on the River has been a huge success for Natchez. As of now we have 60 rooms for 3 nights. I would love to develop another type convention to bring more people to town. At this time I have been told there in no help to do that. If anyone has any answers please let me know. Anyone wanting to advertise at Scrap~N~on the River please let me know.